The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 1.1.6 (Ad libitum). This sixth maintenance version fixes few important bugs and introduces some interesting improvements: more details below.

Please follow these instructions if you are upgrading from 1.1.5.


  • [SYNCOPE-452] - Generated project not starting in embedded mode
  • [SYNCOPE-453] - Propagation problem with role virtual attribute mapped in user mapping
  • [SYNCOPE-454] - Update user without password specification involving resource with "Generate password if missing" enabled, sends password out anyway
  • [SYNCOPE-455] - Role child implicit delete won't be propagated during parent delete
  • [SYNCOPE-459] - Read-only virtual attribute cannot be added for a user by admin console
  • [SYNCOPE-462] - Upgrade Spring to 3.2.7
  • [SYNCOPE-465] - Selected items lost browsing paged results
  • [SYNCOPE-466] - Server error when updating an existing policy to its global counterpart
  • [SYNCOPE-474] - forbidden error when tried to change password
  • [SYNCOPE-475] - After session expired, console shows split screen
  • [SYNCOPE-476] - NPE opening Roles tab
  • [SYNCOPE-477] - Alert popup appears through page navigation after modal window closing


  • [SYNCOPE-460] - Default datasource uses BasicDataSource
  • [SYNCOPE-468] - Add information to what components refer to a certain policy
  • [SYNCOPE-469] - Group policies and logs under configuration


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