A complete and
reliable solution
for the world of
Public Administration

is the answer to the needs that mid-size to large government organizations have for the daily management of accounts, permissions and compliance to the main privacy and access regulations.

From a single console you can manage the full lifecycle of accounts owned by professors, students, technical staff and visitors, with control over access permissions to all resources owned by the organization.
Creating, disabling and optionally removing user accounts onto various systems as Active Directory, LDAPv3 systems, time-tracking, physical access management devices, etc. will not be requiring manual actions, subject to inevitable human errors. With our solution it will be possible to automate such operations by simply defininig specific business rules that appropriate software components will enforce.
Email box and
home directory management
Managing email boxes will not be an issue any more. Create, disable and any possible operation including removal could be delegated to appropriate automated tasks provided by the system to support the onerous management activities erogated day by day by IT infrastructure's staff.
Single Sign-On
Managing credentials and permissions is becoming increasingly difficult due to the proliferation of new applications. Our solution allows to configure, in a single point, access control in order to allow the validation of the most different types of user credentials, and single sign-on access to the various web applications available.
OAuth 2.0
OpenID Connect
SAML 2.0
Our solution is 100% compliant with industry standard protocols for authentication, authorization and federation either in the Cloud or on-premises.
Domain SSO
If a Microsoft® domain is present, it will be possible to allow all domain users to access web applications in the company intranet with no need to provide additional credentials, once domain authentication has been performed.
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Discover all
other features
  • Cost centers and user permissions

    With our solution it is possible to organize and manage user data by cost center, granting access permissions to logical and physical resources offered by the organization.

  • Self-management and approval

    With purpose of simplifying user lifecycle management, but especially to comply with privacy regulations (as GDPR), our solutions allows user to self-manage their own personal data, preserving the possibility to submit to approval each change configured as particularly relevant.

  • Password reset and update

    User credential management is always an expensive and very unrewarding activity. It is now possible to let users autonomously reset their own password in order to restore access to services they are allowed to.

Want to see
the software
in action?
Try our demo and discover how easy identity and access management can be
Access to the base demo
we have prepared for you.
Contact one of our consultants and obtain a demo designed for your needs.
You will be guided by a developer to quickly understand product capabilities, or you could ask for tailored features.
We have solved complex problems in a simple way
Read the stories of who did already choose Tirasa for digital identities
Developed with
immagine opensource
Open Source Software
Benefits and Regulations
All around the world, Open Source software is strongly recommended - when not mandatory choice - for Public Administration, when it comes to acquisition and reuse of software.
As an example, the Open Source Observatory and Repository (OSOR) is a project launched by the European Commission for exchanging information, experiences and best practices around open source solutions for use in public administrations.
This happens because open source software is recognized as inherently robust and secure, and preserves by nature its adopters from vendor lock-in.
In this perspective we can not but play a leading role.
The philosophy that guides our company in its daily operating choices, the care and the ways in which it creates solutions for its customers as well as the total absence of proprietary licenses make Tirasa the "virtuous" supplier for Public Administration.