Many organizations are migrating to Google Apps, a suite focused on productivity, collaboration and communication.

Managing such cloud-based resources in a centralized way allows companies to keep control over all the accounts; for this reason a ConnId connector was developed to integrate Apache Syncope with Google Apps.


In this post, we explain how configure a Google Apps resource with Apache Syncope.

Obtain configuration parameters

      1. Log in to your Google Apps Admin Console (at and verify that Security > Enable API access is checked.

      2. In the OAuth 2.0 application of choice (at, create credential of type OAuth Client Id / Other, then download the related client_secrets.json file.

      3. Download the Google Apps connector bundle

      4. Change to the directory where you have downloaded the bundle and run the following command on the client_secrets.json file that you obtained earlier in this procedure:

        $ jar xvf net.tirasa.connid.bundles.googleapps-1.4.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
        $ java -jar net.tirasa.connid.bundles.googleapps-1.4.3-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/client_secrets.json
        Please open the following address in your browser:
        access_type=offline ...
        This command opens the default browser, and loads a screen on which you authorize consent to access the Google Apps account.
      5. When you have authorized consent, the browser returns a code. Copy and paste the code into the terminal from which you ran the original command

        $ Attempting to open that address in the default browser now...
        Please enter code:
      6. A response similar to the following is returned.

           "clientId": ""

Create a Google Apps Connector

First, we need to create a new connector, from Topologies


Put all required parameters for Google Apps connector


Select what operations are allowed for this connector


Configure Google Apps resource on Apache Syncope




Configure attributes to manage


During the creation of a user on Google, a unique identifier (GoogleAppsId) is generated by Google and must be saved on Syncope. This identifier is used by Syncope to link the user. To store the GoogleAppsId it's necessary to add a propagation action.

Syncope 2.1.X doesn't need a PropagationAction, just configure as indicated by the figure below


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