Apereo CAS

Apereo CAS is an enterprise system for access management and Single Sign-On (SSO) which Tirasa actively supports, and to which the team has been contributing.

CAS supports different methods to recognize users (LDAP, database, X.509, 2FA) via different authentication modules. It also provides an extended support for the main security protocols (CAS, SAML 2.0, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect).
Through the provided integration modules, CAS can grant secured access to Java, .Net, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Apache HTTPd, Nginx resources, and many others.
Apereo is a global network of over 150 higher educational institutions and partners, with members on six continents, to further their mission of creating and sustaining software supporting learning, teaching and research.
We are proud to support the project and community either as software contributor and commercial affiliate.
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Apereo CAS can be downloaded and deployed in production with no license fees. If needed, it is possible to subscribe the community-level support mailing list in which the Tirasa staff strives to be active, compatible with company needs.

If you need enterprise-level support with guaranteed SLAs, Tirasa offers commercial subscriptions for either development and production support.

Apereo CAS is an open project to which everyone can contribute by reporting issues or sharing documentation or code.

Do you need support?
Tirasa offers dedicated support and is able to assist H24, 7 days a week
Application Domains
We offer customizable solutions in the field of digital identity management and access control, be they logical or physical. We operate internationally and in various domains. We have important experiences in: